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Thiago A. Silva

A brazilian web developer

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Moving a Linux Installation to a New Encrypted Hard Drive [en]

No special tools required. Just use Linux.


Snippets Legais com o Emacs [pt-BR]

A ideia por trás da mistura de snippets com código

Powerful Emacs Snippets [en]

Showcasing the powerful idea behind mixing snippets + code

Dicas de Histórico de Linha de Comando [pt-BR]

Evite retrabalho

Command Line History Tricks [en]

Avoid retyping and rework

Counting Active Record Queries [en]

You can read the brazilian portuguese version of this post here.Recently, some colleagues have been impressed with a ...

Contando Queries do Active Record [pt-BR]

You can read the english version of this post here.Recentemente, colegas de trabalho ficaram impressionados com um có...


Building a Debug Log Filter with Ruby

Logs are one of the most trustful tools you can use in any applicationenvironment: development, test and production. ...


Prefer an Implicit Block

Why prefer implicit blocks in Ruby, and reasons to use explicit blocks.

With or without parenthesis?

Some of my personal guidelines on writing expressive Ruby code.

Too many private methods!

An example of how too many private methods can lead to a better design while refactoring.

Some Notes on Testing and Pundit Testing

An example to illustrate some useful concepts on testing using the Pundit authorization gem.