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Thiago A. Silva

A brazilian web developer

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Hi! I am Thiago, a web developer from Natal / RN - Brazil. This blog was created to share some of my knowledge and experience as a web developer. Here you will find posts about programming tips and techniques, general developer tooling, Ruby, Unix, Rails, JavaScript, Node.js, Go, PHP, Elixir, and possibly other technologies.

Recent Posts

Moving a Linux Installation to a New Encrypted Hard Drive [en]

No special tools required. Just use Linux.

Snippets Legais com o Emacs [pt-BR]

A ideia por trás da mistura de snippets com código

Powerful Emacs Snippets [en]

Showcasing the powerful idea behind mixing snippets + code

Dicas de Histórico de Linha de Comando [pt-BR]

Evite retrabalho

Command Line History Tricks [en]

Avoid retyping and rework